pinItem = qmenu.item('&Pin Vertex '+stString,pinClick,"|`pin' the texture on the face at the vertex. A face must be selected.\n\nAfter three pins have been set, the texture is repositioned so that the texture coordinates for the pinned points are as specified.")
stItem = qmenu.item(stString, None,"No action")
clearPin = qmenu.item('Clear Pin', clearPinClick)
clearPins = qmenu.item('Clear All Pins', clearAllClick)
clearPin.state= qmenu.disabled
if pinned is None:
clearPins.state = qmenu.disabled
if (face is None) or (face.type != ':f'):
pinItem.state = qmenu.disabled
pinItem.hint = "|"+pinItem.hint + "\n\nThis menu item is disabled because it requires a face be selected"
if repin:
pinItem.text = 'Re&pin Vertex'
clearPin.state = qmenu.normal
# Promote/Demote of submenu seems like a good idea to